Top 4 Security Features Of The White House, Washington DC

The United State is the strongest political nation in the world and it centre is the White House and so it security have also being strengthen after the second World War to combat the risk of the attack on it. The security of the White House was strengthen in a way that is beyond imagination. I will love to tell you the top four security features of the White House. 1. Strong widows: Often thieves are seen coming in from Windows, and many windows are present in the president's room which not only allow the light to come in but also gives the attacker a chance. In such a situation, the president can be in great danger, for the reason, the security vice president has made windows with blistic glass which looks common but much stronger, this is bulletproof and very costly too. 2. Drones: Once an employee was experimenting with his drone after finishing work. He flew the drone and it was not even noticed by the security system. But when it landed on the grass, a lot of alarms s...